• BCSLA Intern MLA
  • Landscape Designer

Prior to coming to Canada, Elmira graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture in Iran. She completed her Master of Landscape Architecture at the University of Manitoba in 2020.

She looks at landscape as always in the process of becoming, an itinerary that can take you through another life where you can understand the mortality, vulnerability, and mutability of the world we live in. She believes in the power of design through storytelling to push the imagination and travel into the past, present, and future.

She focuses on outdoor spaces in terms of the human experience that they can create. This shift of focus is reflected in the topic area for her MLA practicum in which she examined the role of contemporary sublime in landscape architecture, particularly with respect to ruins. She describes ruins as a metaphor for the life that was left behind, haunted by a sense of absence meanwhile leaving room for imagination to search for signs of life and the story of how life cycles through.