• Landscape Designer

Jasmeen is drawn to the sublime in landscape. Experiential and emotional connection to place are key to her interpretation and design of landscapes. She is passionate about creating equitable public and private spaces that provide contemplative respite in the urban environment.


Jasmeen pivoted away from a career in biological research towards design, completing an honours degree in Environmental Design at the University of British Columbia before going on to focus on landscape architecture at University of Toronto. After graduating, she has been a guest critic, lecturer and panelist at the University of Washington, Toronto Metropolitan University, and the University of Toronto.


Having worked in Seattle, Toronto and Vancouver, Jasmeen is adaptable to the different micro-cultures and needs of different communities. She has a wide breadth of experience in both public and private work, from railway networks and large park master plans to pocket parks and art installations. While believing landscapes can be dreamy, playful places, she has a proven track record of practical detail design that has led to the construction of robust and sustainable spaces.


At Hapa Collaborative, Jasmeen works on a variety of scales including the Tsawwassen Town Centre Master Plan, Pazarena Place Park, and River District Developments.